Clan Castle
Server Rates:
- XP rates: x100.
- SP Rates: x100.
- Adena: x0.5 (All prices are indexed)
- Seal Stone: x1
- Drop : x50
- Spoil: x20
- Raid Boss: x1
- Epic RB Drop: x1
- Quest: x1 (Except for some quests)
- Quest Reward x1
- Manor: x1
Server Rates with Premium Account:
- XP Rates: +30%.
- SP rates: +30%.
- Adena: +30%
- Seal Stone: x1
- Drop: +30%
- Spoil: +30%
- Raid Boss: +30%
- Epic RB Drop: x1
- Quest: x1
- Quest Reward x1
- Manor: x1
Advantages of a Premium Account:
- Bonuses in the game client itself.
- PremChat (Works worldwide)
- -Delay between messages is 2 seconds.
- -Number of available messages per day - 10000
- -Symbol that is used before entering text in the chat - '
- -Prefix that will be displayed in the chat - [PA]
Server Features:
- High-quality geodata and geoplatform
- Full function in Alt+B (there are restrictions, the balance is not broken).
- Soul Charge: X-rank - Adaptation to all weapon grades.
- Soul Charge: X-rank and infinite arrows.
- All team players in the city of Giran have 100 adena in their pocket, level 20, rank Shadow D are available for selection in the GM Shop after receiving the first profession.
- Added leveled epic jewelry of only 3 levels. Stats slightly changed.
- Represents Tattoo in space.
- Weapon bonuses, reworked sets.
- Some specialists' skills have been changed and added.
- Rebirth has been implemented.
- Shadow weapons and armor are available, main set stats.
- LS Most of it has been removed, chance ones have been reworked.
- The Rift Mod is being implemented.
- "Trash" has been removed from the drop.
- Functionality .cfg/.menu
- Auction in the game, which will make the game more enjoyable and advanced.
- When stopping the experience (.menu), SP will always go. Exp will reach 99.99%.
- Festival Sweeper (mass spoil set) implemented.
- Full information on stats/drop/spoil/resists by Shift+Click.
- Convenient and multifunctional GM Shop with items up to B class, as well as an accessible "mamon" with all its capabilities.
- Convenient buffer with saving profiles and pet buffs.
- Global gatekeeper.
- Weight limit increased by 250 times.
- Reward for PVP, PC.
- Best protection against various types of programs.
- Summoning to Hot Springs is prohibited.
- Offline bargaining, crafting, selling buffs. Command .offline
- Invulnerability after teleportation (invulnerability is canceled when casting / attacking / moving / using items) 15 seconds.
- Player recovery on one account during crits (command .repair)
- Catacombs and Necropolises - Login without registration, etc. for all GC.
- If you are in an ally with Ketra or Varka, you can farm RB of allied allies with impunity.
- First profession free Reward: 3 Weapon/Armor Exchange Coupon - D Grade
- Second profession free Reward: 10 Festival Adena
- Third profession free Reward: 20th Festival Adena
Sub class and Nobility:
- Sub class quest disabled
- The number of sub classes is not limited.
- You can take any sub class, including Overlord and Crafter.
- Simplified acquisition of nobility:
- - Be in a group
- - Be on a subclass and at least level 76
- - Kill Barakiel
- Period olympiads 7 days (Monday-Sunday)
- To start games in the non-class type, 7 players are required to register. Class battles are disabled.
- Battles take place every day, from 18:00 to 23:55 Moscow time.
- Heroism is given out every Monday (at 12:00 Moscow time).
- Hero reward - 300,000 NGP.
- To get Heroism and Tokens, you need at least 5 battles and 1 victory.
- There is no sharpening limit.
- Buff Time : 3 hours
- Number of buff slots - 36 +24 can be increased by studying Divine Inspiration skills
- Block Buff - a skill that allows you to block the possibility of applying buffs to your character.
- NPC buffer - with basic buffs.
- Team Vs Team
- Capture Flag
- Death Match
Monster Champions:
- Attack, HP, Drop increased (like mini RB)
- Drop from blue = Festival Adena 1pc. 100% chance; Box of luck - Personally 1pc. 5% chance
- Drop from red = Festival Adena 2pcs. 100% chance; Box of luck - Personally 1pc. 10% chance
- Drop penalty = 20+ levels.
Disconnect System:
- When leaving the game, the character does not leave the game, but remains “hanging” for 5 minutes waiting for a relog. (i.e. it doesn't matter if the character is dead, alive or PC)
- At the same time, everyone will see disconnected characters. They have identifying features (Burgundy title DISCONECTED).
- This function works for everyone automatically, and is triggered in case of crits / connection breaks, etc. the maximum time in disconnect mode is 300 seconds, after which the character is completely kicked out of the server.
- Adena - Drops from all mobs, bosses.
- AA - Old adena is exchanged for Seal Stone which drops in Catacombs and Necropolises.
- Festival Adena - Drops from some Bosses and monsters.
- Raid Boss Fang - Drops from Red bosses.
- PvP Medal - Awarded for PK(Player Kill) and PvP (Player vs Player)
- Epic Stone - Awarded for killing Epic RBs.
- Coin of luck - Awarded as a thank you for donations.
- Skill License - Awarded for rebirths.
- Epic License - Awarded for completing a Quest.
Server Commands:
- /unstuck - Teleport to the city if you get stuck. Static cast.
- /loc - Displays the current position in x, y, z coordinates
- /time - Show game time
- .offline - Activate offline trading
- .menu or .cfg - Open the main character menu
- .ru - Use Russian dialogues (Teleport\Quests\Shops, etc.)
- .en - Use English dialogues (Teleport\Quests\Shops, etc.)
- .relog - Quick re-entry to the character (including clearing the cache)
- .class - Quick call to the Master Class (getting a profession)
- .open - Quickly open chests from MM
- .pa - Buy PA or check the end time of PA
- .acp - Automatic use of CPU, MP and HP banks
- .tvtjoin or .ctfjoin - Registration for the event (instead of NPC, if you didn't have time in the window that appeared)
Imperial Staff, Dasparion's Staff, Branch of The Mother Tree, Daimon Crystal - M.Atk +9
Some SA have been changed:
S Grade:
- Basalt Battlehammer [HP Drain]
- Basalt Battlehammer [Health]
- Basalt Battlehammer [HP Regeneration]
- Imperial Staff [MP Regeneration]
- Dragon Hunter Axe [HP Regeneration]
- Dragon Hunter Axe [Health]
- Dragon Hunter Axe [HP Drain]
- Arcana Mace [MP Regeneration]
S Grade:
- Basalt Battlehammer [Critical Damage]
- Basalt Battlehammer [Haste]
- Basalt Battlehammer [Focus]
- Imperial Staff [Acumen]
- Dragon Hunter Axe [Critical Dmg]
- Dragon Hunter Axe [Haste]
- Dragon Hunter Axe [Critical Stun]
- Arcana Mace [Empower]
- Bow:
- Shining Bow [Quick Recovery]
- Shining Bow [Haste]
- Draconic Bow [Quick Recovery]
- Shining Bow [Quick Recovery]
- Shining Bow [Haste]
- Draconic Bow [Quick Recovery]
- Angel Slayer [Focus]
- Angel Slayer [Focus]
- Demon Splinter [Rsk. Haste]
- Demon Splinter [Haste]
- Demon Splinter [Rsk. Haste]
- Demon Splinter [Haste]
A Grade:
- Dasparion's Staff [Mana Up]
- Elysian [Health]
- Elysian [Anger]
- Elysian [Critical Drain]
- Destroyer Hammer [Health]
- Destroyer Hammer [Critical Drain]
- Doom Crusher [Health]
- Doom Crusher [Anger]
- Doom Crusher [Rsk. Haste]
- Cabrio's Hand [Mana Up]
- Daimon Crystal [Mana Up]
A Grade:
- Dasparion's Staff [Empower]
- Elysian [Haste]
- Elysian [Focus]
- Elysian [Critical Damage]
- Destroyer Hammer [Critical Damage]
- Destroyer Hammer [Critical Stun]
- Doom Crusher [Critical Damage]
- Doom Crusher [Haste]
- Doom Crusher [Critical Stun]
- Cabrio's Hand [Acumen]
- Daimon Crystal [Empower]
- Carnage Bow [Critical Bleed]
- Carnage Bow [Mana Up]
- Carnage Bow [Light]
- Carnage Bow [Critical Bleed]
- Carnage Bow [Mana Up]
- Soul Bow [Cheap Shot]
- Soul Bow [Critical Poison]
- Shyeed's Bow [Cheap Shot]
- Carnage Bow [Haste]
- Carnage Bow [Focus]
- Carnage Bow [Haste]
- Carnage Bow [Focus]
- Carnage Bow [Quick Recovery]
- Soul Bow [Haste]
- Soul Bow [Focus]
- Shyeed's Bow [Haste]
- Bloody Orchid [Evasion]
- Bloody Orchid [Critical Bleed]
- Soul Separator [Guidance]
- Soul Separator [Rsk. Haste]
- Bloody Orchid [Haste]
- Bloody Orchid [Haste]
- Soul Separator [Focus]
- Soul Separator [Haste]
- Blood Tornado[Critical Drain]
- Blood Tornado[Rsk. Evasion]
- Blood Tornado[Focus]
- Blood Tornado[Anger]
- Dragon Grinder[Rsk. Evasion]
- Dragon Grinder[Guidance]
- Dragon Grinder[Health]
- Sobekk's Hurricane[Critical Drain]
- Blood Tornado [Critical Stun]
- Blood Tornado [Rsk. Haste]
- Blood Tornado [Rsk. Haste]
- Blood Tornado [Critical Stun]
- Dragon Grinder [Haste]
- Dragon Grinder [Rsk. Haste]
- Dragon Grinder [Critical Stun]
- Sobekk's Hurricane [Critical Stun]
- Halberd [Critical Stun]
- Halberd [Critical Stun]
- Tallum Glaive [Guidance]
- Tallum Glaive [Health]
- Tiphon's Spear [Critical Stun]
- Halberd [Haste]
- Halberd [Towering Blow]
- Tallum Glaive [Towering Blow]
- Tallum Glaive [Haste]
- Tiphon's Spear [Haste]
- Tallum Blade [Health]
- Elemental Sword [Magic Paralyze]
- Dragon Slayer [Health]
- Dark Legion's Edge [Health]
- Themis' Tongue [Mana Up]
- Themis' Tongue [Magic Mental Shield]
- Tallum Blade [Haste]
- Elemental Sword [Acumen]
- Dragon Slayer [Haste]
- Dark Legion's Edge [Haste]
- Themis' Tongue [Acumen]
- Themis' Tongue [Empower]
The server has changed the stats of all grades of sets. The goal is to diversify the visual, to give a choice.
S Grade:
Major Roba | WIT+1, INT+1, M.Atk+10%, P.Def +8%, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+7, ResistParalyze+20, ResistStun+20, ResistCancel+20.Shield Bonus: Maximum HP +400. | |
Draconic Light | STR+2, DEX+2, P.Atk+4%, M.Def +8%, AtkSpd +4%, RunSpd+5, ResistParalyze+20, ResistStun+20, ResistCancel+20. | |
Imperial Heavy | STR+1, CON+1, P.Atk+10%, M.Def+8%, P.Def+8%, AtkSpd+8%, RunSpd+5, ResistParalyze+20, ResistStun+20, ResistCancel+20. Shield Boost: Maximum HP +600. |
Enchantment bonus | Enchantment +4: RunSpd +1 Enchantment +6: AtcSpd/CstSpd+1% ResistParalyze+50 ResistStun+50 ResistCancel+50. Enchantment +8: Recharge-10%, ResistWater+5, ResistFire+5, ResistWind+5, ResistUnholy+5, ResistSleep+50, ResistRoot+50. |
A Grade:
Dark Crystal Roba | WIT+2, MEN-1, CON-1, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5, ResistCancel+50. | |
Dark Crystal Light | STR+1, MEN+1, AtkSpd+4 %, ResistCancel+50. | |
Dark Crystal Heavy | STR+1, CON+1, P.Def +8%, Run Speed+7, Resist Cancel 50. Shield Boost: Maximum HP +600. td> | |
Tallum Roba | WIT+2, INT-3, CON+1, M.Def+8%, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5. | |
Tallum Light | STR+1, DEX+1, M.Def+8% , RunSpd+4. | |
Tallum Heavy | STR+2, CON+2, M.Def+8%, AtkSpd+8%. | |
Majestic Roba | WIT+1, INT+1, CON-2 CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5, ResistStun+50. | |
Majestic Light | STR+2, DEX+1, RunSpd+2, ResistStun+50 | |
Majestic Heavy | STR+2, M.Def+4%, AtkSpd+5%, RunSpd+3, ResistStun+50 | |
Apella Roba | MEN+1, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5, ResistParalyze+10, ResistStun+10, ResistCancel+10. | |
Apella Light | AtkSpd+2%, RunSpd+2, ResistParalyze+10, ResistStun+10, ResistCancel+10. | |
Apella Heavy | STR+3, DEX-1, AtkSpd+5% , RunSpd+3, ResistParalyze+10, ResistStun+10, ResistCancel+10. | |
Nightmare Roba | MEN-2, CON-2, INT+3, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5, ResistParalyze+50. | |
Nightmare Light | MEN+1, STR+1, DEX+1, AtkSpd+4%, ResistParalyze+50. | |
Nightmare Heavy | STR+3, CON+1, M.Def+4%, P.Def+4%, AtkSpd +4%, RunSpd+4, ResistParalyze+50. Shield Bonus: Maximum HP +600. |
Enchantment Bonus | Enchantment +4: RunSpd +1 Enchantment +6: AtcSpd/CstSpd+1% Enchantment +8: Recharge-10%, ResistWater+5, ResistFire+5, ResistWind+5, ResistUnholy+5. |
B Grade:
Zubei Roba | INT+1, CON-1, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5.. | |
Zubei Light | MEN-2, STR+2, RunSpd+4. . | |
Zubei Heavy | STR+1, CON+3, M.Def+4%, RunSpd+5. | |
Avadon Roba | WIT+1, CON-1, Cast Speed +15%, Running Speed+5. | |
Avadon Light | MEN-2, DEX+2, Attack Speed +4%. | |
Avadon Heavy | STR+3, CON+1, F.Def +4% , Attack Speed +4%. Shield bunus: Maximum HP +600. | |
Blue Wolf Roba | INT+2, CON-1, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5. | |
Blue Wolf Light | MEN-1, DEX+3, CON-1, RunSpd+3. | |
Blue Wolf Heavy | MEN+1, STR+1, AtkSpd+3 %, RunSpd+3. | |
Doom Roba | WIT+2, DEX-2, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5. | |
Doom Light | MEN-1, STR+3, CON-2, AtkSpd+2%, RunSpd+2. | |
Doom Heavy | MEN+1, STR+1, CON+1, SpdAtk+3%, RunSpd+1. Shield Boost: Maximum HP +600. | |
Enchantment Bonus | Enchantment +4: RunSpd +1 Enchantment +6: AtcSpd/CstSpd+1% Enchantment +8: Recharge-10%, ResistWater+5, ResistFire+5, ResistWind+5, ResistUnholy+5. |
C Grade:
Divine Roba | WIT+1, INT-1, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5. | |
Plated Light | STR+4, CON-3, AtkSpd+5%, RunSpd+4. | |
Composite Heavy | MEN+1, CON+1, RunSpd+3. Shield Bonus: Maximum HP +600. | |
Demon's Roba | INT+2, CstSpd +15%, RunSpd +5. | |
Theca Light | MEN-1, STR+1, DDEX+2, CON-2, AtkSpd+5%, RunSpd+4. | |
Chain Heavy | STR+2, AtkSpd+3%. Shield Bonus: Maximum HP +600. | |
Drake Light | MEN+1, DEX+3, CON-3, SpdAtk+5%, RunSpd+4. | |
Karmian Roba | WIT+2, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5. | |
Full Plate Heavy | STR+1, CON+1, AtkSpd+2%, RunSpd+1. Shield Bonus: Maximum HP +600. | |
Enchantment bonus | Enchantment +4: RunSpd +1 Enchantment +6: AtcSpd/CstSpd+1% Enchantment +8: Recharge-10%, ResistWater+5, ResistFire+5, ResistWind+5, ResistUnholy+5. |
D Grade:
Mithril Roba | INT+1, CstSpd+15%, RunSpd+5. | |
Manticore Light | MEN+2, DEX+2, AtkSpd+5% , RunSpd+4. | |
Brigandine Heavy | STR+1, P.Def+5%, AtkSpd+5%, RunSpd+1. Shield Bonus: Maximum HP +600. | |
Clan Oath Roba | WIT+1, CstSpd +15%, RunSpd+5. | |
Clan Oath Light | STR+1, DEX+1, CON+1, MEN+1, AtkSpd +5%, RunSpd+4. | |
Clan Oath Heavy | STR+1, DEX+1, CON+1, MEN+1, P.Def+2%, M.Def+2%, AtkSpd+2%, RunSpd+2 | |
Bonus Enchantment | Enchantment +4: RunSpd +1 Enchantment +6: AtcSpd/CstSpd+1% Enchantment +8: Recharge-10%, ResistWater+5, ResistFire+5, ResistWind+5, ResistUnholy+5. |
Information on Skills:
- Solo players can learn clan skills. When joining a clan, clan skills are used if their level is higher than the character's skills.
- There was and will be no balance in the Interlude chronicles.
- Initially, all professions were made unbalanced, they were created for different tasks.
- We can try to make professions playable, and only then talk about balance.
- On our server, players decide what needs to be changed! Write your suggestions on Forum!
Paladin/Phoenix Knight
Dark Avenger/Hell Knight
Treasure Hunter/Adventurer
Warlock/Arcana Lord
Temple Knight/Evas Templar
Swordsinger/Sword Muse
Plainswalker/Wind Rider
Silver Ranger\Moonlight Sentinel
Spell Singer/Mystic Muse
Elemental Summoner/Elemental Master
Evas Elder/Evas Saint
Shillien Knight/Shillien Templar
Bladedancer/Spectral Dancer
Abyss Walker\Ghost Hunter
Phantom Ranger/Ghost Sentinel
Spellhowler/Storm Screamer
Phantom Summoner/Spectral Master
Shillien Elder/Shillien Saint
Tyrant/Grand Khavatari
Bounty Hunter\Fortune Seeker
Basic information:- Maximum sharpening: +16
- Safe sharpening with regular scrolls: +3 (for solid armor +4)
- Safe sharpening with Bless scrolls: +4 (for solid armor +4, +5 chance 80%)
- You can exchange regular points for Bless for crystals at Ronon in Giran.
Chance of sharpening with normal scrolls: (If unsuccessful, the item crystallizes)
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/60%; +5/50%; +6/33%; +7/25%; +8/20%; +9/14%; +10/11%; +11/8%; +12/6% ;+13/5%; +14/4%; +15/3%; +16/2%ARMOR
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/60%; +5/50%; +6/33%; +7/25%; +8/20%; +9/14%; +10/11%; +11/8%; +12/6% ;+13/5%; +14/4%; +15/3%; +16/2%FULL_ARMOR
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/100%; +5/60%; +6/50%; +7/33%; +8/25%; +9/20%; +10/14%; +11/11%; +12/8%; +13/6%; +14/5%; +15/4%; +16/3%JEWELRY
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/60%; +5/50%; +6/33%; +7/25%; +8/20%; +9/14%; +10/11%; +11/8%; +12/6% ;+13/5%; +14/4%; +15/3%; +16/2%
Chance of sharpening with Bless Scrolls: (If unsuccessful, resets the point to a safe value)
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/100%; +5/50%; +6/33%; +7/25%; +8/20%; +9/14%; +10/11%; +11/8%; +12/6%; +13/5%; +14/4%; +15/3%; +16/2%ARMOR
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/100%; +5/50%; +6/33%; +7/25%; +8/20%; +9/14%; +10/11%; +11/8%; +12/6%; +13/5%; +14/4%; +15/3%; +16/2%FULL_ARMOR
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/100%; +5/80%; +6/50%; +7/33%; +8/25%; +9/20%; +10/14%; +11/11%; +12/8%; +13/6%; +14/5%; +15/4%; +16/3%JEWELRY
+1/100%; +2/100%; +3/100%; +4/100%; +5/50%; +6/33%; +7/25%; +8/20%; +9/14%; +10/11%; +11/8%; +12/6%; +13/5%; +14/4%; +15/3%; +16/2%Augmentation:
Basic information:- All LS except 67,70,76 levels have been removed from the drop.
- High-Grade Life Stone has been replaced with Ultimayte Life Stone.
- Chance to get the skill - Ultimayte 100% / TOP 10% /Mid 7% / NG 3%
- LS exchange is available in the GM shop and in alt+B.
- Insert LS in the GM shop.
List of Skills:
Name | Skill Type | Power | Description |
Item Skill: Aggression | Active | Forces the target to attack. | |
Item Skill: Agility | Active | 6/8/10 | Increases evasion by x. |
Item Skill: Aura Flare | Active | 97/102/110 | Launches a non-elemental attack (Power xx) on the target. |
Item Skill: Battle Roar | Active | 800/900/1000 | Increases and eastern. max HP (+xxx). |
Item Skill: Blessed Body | Active | 800/900/1000 | Increases max HP (+xxx). |
Item Skill: Charm | Active | Stops attacking the target. | |
Item Skill: Cheer | Active | 800/900/1000 | Increases max CP (+xxx). |
Item Skill: Doom | Active | Blocks all skills. | |
Item Skill: Duel Might | Active | 16 /18 /20% | Increases P.Atk. in PvP by xx%. |
Item Skill: Duel Weakness | Active | 24/26/30% | Decreases target's P.Atk in PvP by xx%. |
Item Skill: Empower | Active | 16/18/20% | Increases M.Atk. by xx%. |
Item Skill: Fear | Active | 36 38 40 | Frightens your target (Chance xx%). |
Item Skill: Focus | Active | 15/15/20 | Increases СhanceCrit by xx |
Item Skill: Guidance | Active | 6/6/8 | Increases accuracy by x. |
Item Skill: Heal | Active | Restores your HP | |
Item Skill: Hurricane | Active | 97/102/110 | Deals a wind attack (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Hydro Blast | Active | 97/102/110 | Deals a water attack (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Lesser Celestial Shield | Active | Grants invulnerability for 15 sec. | |
Item Skill: Magic Barrier | Active | 16 /18 /20% | Increases M.Def. by xx%. |
Item Skill: Mana Burn | Active | 107/112/120 | Burns enemy MP |
Item Skill: Might | Active | 16 /18 /20% | Increases P.Atk. by xx%. |
Item Skill: Paralyze | Active | 26 28 30 | Temporarily paralyzes the target. (Chance xx%) |
Item Skill: Peace | Active | Stops attacking the target. | |
Item Skill: Prominence | Active | 97/102/110 | Deals a fire strike (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Reflect Damage | Active | 10 / 15 / 20 | Reflects a portion of damage taken back to the enemy (xx). |
Item Skill: Refresh | Active | 5/10/15% | Reduces the cooldown of all skills by x%. |
Item Skill: Ritual | Active | 427/446/473 | Restores CP (+xxx). |
Item Skill: Root | Active | Temporarily immobilizes the target. | |
Item Skill: Shadow Flare | Active | 97/102/110 | Launches a dark attack (Power xx) on the target. |
Item Skill: Shield | Active | 16 /18 /20% | Increases P.Def. by xx%. |
Item Skill: Silence | Active | Blocks magic skills. | |
Item Skill: Skill Refresh | Active | 5/10/15% | Reduces the cooldown of physical skills by x% |
Item Skill: Sleep | Active | Puts target to sleep. | |
Item Skill: Slow | Active | 16 /18 /20% | Reduces target's speed by xx%. |
Item Skill: Solar Flare | Active | 97/102/110 | Holy Magic Attack (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Spell Refresh | Active | 5/10/15% | Reduces cooldown of magic skills by x% |
Item Skill: Stone | Active | 97/102/110 | Hits with a rock (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Stun | Active | 96,102,109 | Stuns the target. (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Trick | Active | 1700 1900 2100 | Cancels target (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Unlock | Active | Level 8: doors lvl 3 100% chests below lvl 64 90%. Cooldown 20. | |
Item Skill: Unlock | Active | Level 9: doors lvl 3 100% chests below lvl 68 90%. Cooldown 20. | |
Item Skill: Unlock | Active | Level 10: doors lvl 3 100% chests below lvl 72 90%. Cooldown 20. | |
Item Skill: Vampiric Rage | Active | 5/5/6 | Restores HP by damaging enemy (x) |
Item Skill: Vampiric Touch | Active | 78/82/88 | Absorbs your target's health (Power xx). |
Item Skill: Wild Magic | Active | 90/95/100% | Increases MagСhanceCrit by xx% |
Item Skill: Winter | Active | 16 /18 /20% | Decreases Atk.Spd. by xx% |
Name | Skill Type | Power | Description |
Item Skill: Agility | Passive | 3/4/5 | Increases Evasion by x. |
Item Skill: Duel Might | Passive | 12 /14/15% | Increases P.Atk. in PvP by xx%. |
Item Skill: Empower | Passive | 12 /14/15% | Increases M.Atk. by xx%. |
Item Skill: Focus | Passive | 10/10/15 | Increases СhanceCrit by xx. |
Item Skill: Guidance | Passive | 3/3/4 | Increases accuracy by x. |
Item Skill: Magic Barrier | Passive | 12 /14/15% | Increases M.Def. by xx%. |
Item Skill: Might | Passive | 12 /14/15% | Increases P.Atk. by xx%. |
Item Skill: Reflect Damage | Passive | 5/10/15 | Increases the ability to reflect part of the received damage back to the enemy (x) |
Item Skill: Shield | Passive | 12 /14/15% | Increases P.Def. at xx%. |
Item Skill: Wild Magic | Passive | 65/70/75% | Increases MagСhanceCrit by xx% |
Name | Skill Type | Power | Description |
Item Skill: Doom | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Blocks all skills on physical attack. |
Item Skill: Doom | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Blocks all skills on critical attack |
Item Skill: Doom | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Blocks all skills when using magic. |
Item Skill: Hold | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Immobilizes target when attacked physically |
Item Skill: Hold | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Stuns the target on critical attack. |
Item Skill: Hold | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Immobilizes the target on magic attack |
Item Skill: Paralyze | Chance | 4/6/8 % | Paralyzes the target on physical attack. |
Item Skill: Paralyze | Chance | 4/6/8 % | Paralyzes the target on critical attack. |
Item Skill: Paralyze | Chance | 4/6/8 % | Paralyzes target when using magic |
Item Skill: Silence | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Blocks magic skills during physical attack. |
Item Skill: Silence | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Blocks magic skills during critical attack. |
Item Skill: Silence | Chance | 4/8/12% | Blocks magic skills when using magic. |
Item Skill: Slow | Chance | 6/10/14% | Decreases speed by 30% during physical attack. |
Item Skill: Slow | Chance | 6/10/14% | Decreases speed by 30% during critical attack. |
Item Skill: Slow | Chance | 6/10/14% | Decreases speed by 30% during magic attack. |
Item Skill: Stun | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Stuns the target when physically attacked. |
Item Skill: Stun | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Stuns the target on a critical attack. |
Item Skill: Stun | Chance | 4/8/12 % | Stuns the target when using magic. |
Item Skill: Winter | Chance | 7/11/15 % | Decreases Atk.Spd. by 30% during physical attack. |
Item Skill: Winter | Chance | 7/11/15 % | Decreases Atk.Spd. by 30%. during critical attack. |
Item Skill: Winter | Chance | 7/11/15 % | Decreases Atk.Spd. by 30% when using magic. |
There are "Tattoo" on the server, divided by grade.
You can get and improve Tattoo in GM shop.
Tattoo for the Magic:
Tattoo Mage D Grade | Mag Crt + 2%, M. Atk + 2%, Speed + 2, PDef + 5%, MDef + 5%, Max HP + 5%, Cast Speed + 2% | |
Tattoo Mage C Grade | Mag Crt + 5%, M. Atk + 4%, Speed + 4, PDef + 10%, MDef + 10%, Max HP + 10%, Cast Speed + 4% | |
Tattoo Mage B Grade | Mag Crt + 10%, M. Atk + 6%, Speed + 6, PDef + 15%, MDef + 15%, Max HP + 15%, Cast Speed + 6% | |
Tattoo Mage A Grade | Mag Crt + 15%, M. Atk + 8%, Speed + 8, PDef + 20%, MDef + 20%, Max HP + 20%, Cast Speed + 8% | |
Tattoo Mage S Grade | Mag Crt + 20%, M. Atk + 10%, Speed + 10, PDef + 25%, MDef + 25%, Max HP + 25%, Cast Speed + 10% |
Tattoo for the Warrior:
Tattoo Warrior D Grade | Speed + 2, PDef + 5%, MDef + 5%, Max HP + 5, P. At + 2%, Haste + 2%, Focus + 10 | |
Tattoo Warrior C Grade | Speed + 4, PDef + 10%, MDef + 10%, Max HP + 10, P. At + 4%, Haste + 4%, Focus + 20 | |
Tattoo Warrior B Grade | Speed + 6, PDef + 15%, MDef + 15%, Max HP + 15, P. At + 6%, Haste + 6%, Focus + 30 | |
Tattoo Warrior A Grade | Speed + 8, PDef + 20%, MDef + 20%, Max HP + 20, P. At + 8%, Haste + 8%, Focus + 40 | |
Tattoo Warrior S Grade | Speed + 10, PDef + 25%, MDef + 25%, Max HP + 25, P. At + 10%, Haste + 10%, Focus + 50 |
Epic Jewelry:
Epic jewelry is divided into 3 levels. This is done for smooth development.Epic jewelry is available to all players. Even if a player does not go to any Epic RB, he can still get Epic Jewelry.
- Epic Boss:
- Effects increase according to level. Maximum effect is achieved at level 3.
- Epic Jewelry is available for exchange in GM Shop. Exchange is available with preservation of sharpening.
- To exchange for the first level, you need Tateossian Jewelry.
- To exchange from the first level and above, you need Epic Stone, which drops from the party that finishes off the Boss (each party member gets 1 Epic Stone)
- The drop of the Epic Jewelry itself is preserved, but the chance is reduced from 100% to 60% (one item drops on the ground at 3 levels at once).
- Boss Core:
- Boss Core is available for solo players in a parallel world, it also drops Epic Stone for the entire party (each party member gets 1 Epic Stone)
- The drop of the Epic Jewelry itself is preserved, but the chance is reduced from 100% to 30% (one item drops on the ground at 3 levels at once).
- Access to Core is limited:
- - Party from 2 to 9 people.
- - One window.
- - Access is updated once a week on Monday at 18:00 (Only a successful trip counts!)
Effects Epic Jewelry:
Necklace of Valakas:
LvL 1 | MP+42, resist. sleep+20, HP+100, recharge -1%, P.Atk+1%, M.Atk+2%, M.Crit+20%, shield effect +2, resist. fire+5. | |
LvL 2 | MP+42, resist. sleep+40, HP+220, recharge -5%, P.Atk+2%, M.Atk+4%, Mag.Crit+50%, shield effect +3, resist. fire+10. | |
LvL 3 | MP+42, resist. sleep+80, HP+445, recharge -10%, P.Atk+4%, M.Atk+8%, Mag.Crit+100%, shield effect +5, resist. fire+15. |
Frintezza's Necklace:
LvL 1 | MP+42, resist. sleep+10, poison+10, bleeding+10, paralysis+10, shock+10. recharge -1%. shield effect+2, resist. dark attacks+5. | |
LvL 2 | MP+42, resist. sleep+15, poison+25, bleeding+25, paralysis+15, shock+15. recharge-5%. shield effect+3, resist. dark attacks+10. | |
LvL 3 | MP+42 , resist. sleep+30, poison+50, bleeding+50, paralysis+30, shock+30. recharge-10%. shield effect+5, resist. dark attacks+15. |
Earring of Antharas:
LvL 1 | MP +31, resist. bleeding+20%, healing effect+2%, vampiric+1, resist. stun/silence+15%, MP consumption-1%, earth resist.+5%. bleeding resist.+15%. Only one earring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 2 | MP +31, resist. bleeding+40%, healing effect+5%, vampire+2, resist. stunning /silence+30%, MP consumption-3%, earth resist.+10%., bleeding resist.+30%. Only one earring effect will be applied. | |
LvL 3 | MP +31, resist. bleeding+80%, healing effect+10%, vampire+4, resist. stunning/silence+60%, MP consumption-5%, resist. earth+15%. resist. bleeding+80%. Only one earring effect will be applied. |
Earring of Zaken:
LvL 1 | MP+31, bleeding resist.+15%, healing+2%, vampire+1, shock/debuff resist.+10%. Only one earring's effects will be applied. | |
LvL 2 | MP +31, bleeding resist.+30%, healing+5%,Vampire+2, resist. shock/debuff+20%. Only one earring's effects will be applied. | |
LvL 3 | MP+31, resist. bleeding+60%, healing+10%, Vampire+4, resist. shock/debuff+40%. Only one earring's effects will be applied. |
Earring of Orfen:
LvL 1 | MP+31, bleeding resist.+10%, healing+1%, running speed+2. Only one earring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 2 | MP+31, bleeding resist.+15%, healing+3%, running speed+4. Only one earring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 3 | MP+31, bleeding resist.+30%, healing+6%, running speed+6. Only one earring's effect will be applied. |
Ring of Baium:
LvL 1 | MP+21, poison resist.+20%, accuracy+1, crit+5, stun resist.+15%, attack speed and cast speed+1%. Only one ring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 2 | MP+21, poison resist.+40%, accuracy+1.5, crit+10, stun resist.+30%, attack speed and cast speed+2%. Only one ring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 3 | MP+21, poison resist.+80%, accuracy+2, crit+15, stun resist.+60%, attack speed and cast speed+4%. Only one ring's effect will be applied. |
Ring of Ant Queen:
LvL 1 | MP +21, poison resist. +15%, accuracy+1, critical damage+5%, resist. roots +10 Only one ring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 2 | MP +21, resist. poisoning +30%, accuracy+1.5, critical damage+10%, resist. roots +20 Only one ring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 3 | MP +21, resist. poisoning +60%, accuracy+2, critical damage+15%, resist. roots +40 Only one ring's effect will be applied. |
Ring of Core:
LvL 1 | MP+21, poison resist.+10%, magic crit chance+5%, accuracy+1 Only one ring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 2 | MP+21, resist. poisoning+20%, magic crit chance+10%, accuracy+1 Only one ring's effect will be applied. | |
LvL 3 | MP+21, resist. poisoning+40%, chance of magic crit+15%, accuracy+1 Only one ring's effect will be applied. |
- Clan:
- The starting level of a clan after creating a clan is level 8.
- The maximum number of slots in a clan is 33
- Limit of slots in SubUnit Royal and Academy - 20
- Limit of slots in the clan academy - 10
- Limit of slots in the Knight Subunit - 10
- Creation of Subunit - 5000 Clan Reputation
- Creation of Knight Squad - 10000 Clan Reputation
- Fines, penalties are disabled.
- Dissolution of a clan after restart.
- A clan war can be declared if there are 5 or more players in a clan.
- The maximum number of clans in an alliance is 1.
- Clan skills affect all clan members regardless of rank (including academics).
Clan Rating:
- Clan Point:
- Custom clan rating. The place in the Top Clan table is calculated based on the Clan Point.
- Clan Point Accrual:
- - For capturing Hiro: 200 Clan Points.
- - For capturing a castle: Dion - Giran - Aden - Goddard - 100 Clan Points.
- - For killing an Epic boss: (AQ)(Orfen)(Zaken)(Frinteza)(Baium)(Antharas)(Valakas) 57 Clan Points.
- - For killing clan RBs: 11 Clan Points.
- Clan Reputation:
- Classic clan reputation remained both in the Top Clan table and in clan skill leveling, etc.
- CRP rates for a kill in a clan war:
- - For killing an enemy 20 lvl higher - 10 Clan Reputation
- - For a kill under normal conditions - 5 Clan Reputation
- - CRP reward for capturing a castle - 1000
- Castle siege cycle is 1 week.
- The siege lasts 60 minutes.
- After taking the castle, the Clan receives "Castle Skills" and "Box of Luck Compressed" 10 pieces as a reward.
- For Defending the Castle, the Clan receives "Castle Skills" and "Compressed Lucky Box" as rewards x10. (At least 1 clan is attacking the castle.)
- For Holding the Castle, the Clan receives nothing. No defense, no reward. (No one registered when attacking the castle.)
Castle Skill:
Castle Strength | (INT +1; WIT +1; MEN +1; CON +1; STR +1; DEX +1;) | |
Castle Farm | (EXP,SP,Drop,Adena + 30%) In case of Premium account or runes, first the effect of runes or PA is added, then the effect of Castle Skill is added to the total. | |
Castle Enchant Bonus | (+5% to the chance to enchant) In case of Premium account or runes, first the effect of runes or PA is added, then the effect of Castle Skill is added to the total. |
Available castles for siege:
Dion | Thursday | 9:00 p.m. | Giran | Friday | 9:00 p.m. |
Aden | Saturday | 9:00 p.m. |
Goddard | Sunday | 9:00 p.m. |
Rebirth is a system of resetting the character's level to strengthen it. Increasing the main characteristics (Str, Dex, etc.) or additional characteristics and skills (increasing slot buffs, etc.).
- How to reincarnate:
- - Player level 80.
- - Approach Ronon in Giran and reincarnate.
- - The character will become level 20 and you will receive 1 Skill License
- - Learn the necessary additional skills from Ronon.
- Restrictions:
- - Rebirth is only available in the main class.
- - Skill will be available in the class where it was learned.
- Rebirth Skill:
- - Maximum 5 levels.
- - Each class has access to certain skills up to a certain level.
- Learning:
- Requires SP and/or Skill License to learn.
- - Level 1 10,000,000 SP Available at level 40.
- - Level 2 12,000,000 SP Available at level 61.
- - Level 3 16,000,000 SP Available at level 77.
- - Level 4 32,000,000 SP Available at level 78.
- - Level 5 50,000,000 SP Available at level 79.
Name | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Lvl 4 | Lvl 5 | |
Acumen | Cast Speed+1% | Cast Speed+2% | Cast Speed+3% | Cast Speed+4% | Cast Speed+5% | |
Empower | M.Atk+2% | M.Atk+4% | M.Atk+6% | M.Atk+8% | M.Atk+10% | |
Vild Magic | Mag.Crt+10% | Mag.Crt+20% | Mag.Crt+30% | Mag.Crt+40% | Mag.Crt+50% | |
Focus | СhanceCrit+10 | СhanceCrit+20 | СhanceCrit+30 | СhanceCrit+40 | СhanceCrit+50 | |
Death Whisper | CritDmg+5% | CritDmg+10% | CritDmg+15% | CritDmg+20% | CritDmg+25% | |
Haste | Atk.Speed+1% | Atk.Speed+2% | Atk.Speed+3% | Atk.Speed+4% | Atk.Speed+5% | |
Life | MaxHP+5% | MaxHP+10% | MaxHP+15% | MaxHP+20% | MaxHP+25% | |
Might | P.Atk+2% | P.Atk+4% | P.Atk+6% | P.Atk+8% | P.Atk+10% | |
Magic Barrier | MDef+5% | MDef+10% | MDef+15% | MDef+20% | MDef+25% | |
Shield | PDef+5% | PDef+10% | PDef+15% | PDef+20% | PDef+25% | |
Wind | Speed+1 | Speed+2 | Speed+3 | Speed+4 | Speed+5 | |
STR | STR+1 | STR+2 | STR+3 | STR+4 | STR+5 | |
DEX | DEX+1 | DEX+2 | DEX+3 | DEX+4 | DEX+5 | |
CON | CON+1 | CON+2 | CON+3 | CON+4 | CON+5 | |
INT | INT+1 | INT+2 | INT+3 | INT+4 | INT+5 | |
WIT | WIT+1 | WIT+2 | WIT+3 | WIT+4 | WIT+5 | |
MEN | MEN+1 | MEN+2 | MEN+3 | MEN+4 | MEN+5 | |
Mystery Skill | Большая голова |